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"There's no such thing as esprit de corps." - Benjamin DISRAELI

Founded in 2018, BOW&Co was born out of a collaboration between various stylists, designers and sales people with a common goal: to free themselves from subjective notions of what is beautiful and what is ugly. To do this, we first experimented with new manufacturing processes for our creations. We then sought to conceive our creations according to what is right or wrong from a pragmatic point of view, without ignoring our different knowledge in design or stylism. On the contrary, on the strength of this ideal, we naturally decided to adopt a collaborative platform mode of operation. This allows us to make the most of the talents of each of our collaborators while creating our trademark, our identity. In order to respect each person's contribution to the creation of one of our objects of emotion as well as their sensibilities, we then chose to become a publishing house.